Project Description
Substation Automation System Engineering and Project Support Services
Substation Automation System Engineering and Project Support Services
Owner: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP)
Prime: AECOM
Sub: Kewo Engineering (Sub Tier 1)
Project Duration: 2017 – 2020
Kewo Engineering is providing Project Controls and Training for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) for their Substation Automation System (SAS) project at various LADWP industrial stations, distributing stations and receiving stations, switching stations, and generating stations.
LADWP’s SAS project is a multi-phase $373M project to design and install SAS equipment at 198 LADWP substations to meet Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) critical infrastructure protection (CIP) standards.
Kewo Engineering is providing the following SAS engineering and project support services to LADWP:
- Perform design and drawing review on behalf of LADWP’s Receiving Station Design Group, Distributing Station Design Group, Switching Station Design Group, Metering & Control Design Group, and Relay Protection Design Group.
- Provided on-the-job training and mentoring to LADWP personnel as needed to accomplish the transfer of knowledge specific to LADWP design standards and practices to ensure a high level of in-house expertise.
- Assisted LADWP personnel, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) personnel, and SEL subcontractors with accomplishing deliverables.
- Reviewed submitted design drawings to ensure compliance with existing LADWP, industry, and regulatory requirements, standards, practices, policies, and procedures.
- Reviewed and revised LADWP standard relay protection schematics.
- Advised SEL and their subcontractors on their designs and submittals to meet LADWP and industry design and drafting standards.
- Reviewed Task Order and Change Order proposals for LADWP and provide feedback and recommendations for approval.
- Assisted LADWP with the development of Construction Work Packages, project scoping documents, and construction activities documents.
- Assisted LADWP Estimators with developing accurate construction cost estimates.
- Assisted LADWP Station Test with troubleshooting design issues.
- Performed independent technical reviews of testing documents and test reports.
- Reviewed LADWP Station Test As-built drawings and provide comments and recommendations for approval.
- Reviewed SEL drafted drawings and provided comments and recommendations for approval.
- Reviewed Project Closing and Turnover Packages and provided comments and recommendations for approval.
- Provided on-the-job training and mentoring to LADWP personnel to accomplish the transfer of knowledge in LADWP design standards and practices.