Project Description
Various Substations (Park, Anaheim and Clair Substation)
Various Substations (Park, Anaheim and Clair Substation)
Owner: City of Anaheim
Prime: Prime
Sub: Prime
Project Duration: 2020-2021
Kewo Engineering is responsible for enhancing the system reliability and security, as well as providing comprehensive control, metering, and monitoring, by upgrading various substations in the City of Anaheim, Park substation protection system; Anaheim substation NTU to RTAC, and Axion system; and Clair substation NTU to RTAC and Axion system.
Kewo Engineering provided the City of Anaheim with the following services:
- Conduct site visits to thoroughly investigate the cable routing, termination, DC feeds, and new rack mounting for verifying existing conditions and walk through a conceptual basis of design and approach.
- Develop designs to upgrade the protection system upgrade at Park Substation. This work primarily involves removing eleven (11) existing relay racks (R03 thru R13), installing seventeen (17) new relay racks, modifying wiring at both ends, and bringing in new DC feeds.
- Develop designs to upgrade the existing RTU system at Anaheim Substation from NTU to SEL RTAC and Axion. This work primarily involves removing the existing ACS NTU system on seven (7) racks (8R thru 14R), replacing the RTU with SEL RTAC and Axion units, modifying wiring and communications and bringing in new DC feeds. A similar concept was applied to Clair Substation.
- Modify all necessary drawings to reflect the changes from this project. These drawings include Elementary diagrams, Wiring diagrams, Panel elevations, Equipment drawings, and Floor plans. All designs comply with standard elementary and rack wiring diagram templates from the City of Anaheim.